OpenBSD-current のインストールその2

参考にさせて頂いたサイトはZaurus Wiki


  1. 電源を切る
  2. SDカードを入れておく
  3. 電池ふたを開ける
  4. 30秒待ってから[D] + [B] を押しながらリセットボタンを押す
  5. そのまま電池ふたを閉じる
  6. [D] + [B] を押しながら起動

INIT: version 2.78 booting
INIT: Entering runlevel: 4
INIT: Sending processes the TERM signal
Lineo uLinux
Kernel 2.4.20 on an armv5tel
zaurus login: root <- 入力
login[153]: root login on `tty1'

# dd if=/dev/mtdblock1 of=/mnt/card/mtd1.jffs2 bs=1M
7+0 records in
7+0 records out
# dd if=/dev/mtdblock2 of=/mnt/card/root.jffs2 bs=1M
43+0 records in
43+0 records out
# dd if=/dev/mtdblock3 of=/mnt/card/home.jffs2 bs=1M
78+0 records in
78+0 records out
# mount -o -ro,noatime -t ext3 /dev/hda1 /hdd1
# tar cvf - /hdd1 | gzip -c > /mnt/card/hdd1.tgz
tar: Removing leading '/' from member names
# sync
# umount /hdd1
# mount -o -ro,noatime -t ext3 /dev/hda2 /hdd2
# tar cvf - /hdd2 | gzip -c > /mnt/card/hdd2.tgz
tar: Removing leading '/' from member names
# sync
# umount /hdd2
# shutdown -rt 0 now
Broadcast message from root (tty1) (Wed Jul 11 14:55:11 2007):
INIT: Switching to runlevel: 6
INIT: Sending processes the TERM signal
INIT: Sending processes the KILL signal
上のメンテカーネルの起動 でやってね。

INIT: version 2.78 booting
INIT: Entering runlevel: 4
INIT: Sending processes the TERM signal
Lineo uLinux
Kernel 2.4.20 on an armv5tel
zaurus login: root <- 入力
login[153]: root login on `tty1'
# mount -o ro,noatime -t vfat /dev/hda3 /hdd3
# cd /hdd3/OpenBSD/current/zaurus
# insmod zbsdmod.o
# cp bsd.rd /proc/zboot
ようやくOpenBSD が起動します。

boot device: wd0
WARNING: using filesystem date -- CHECK AND RESET THE DATE!
erase ^?, werase ^W, kill ^U, intr ^C, status ^T
(I)nstall, (U)pgrade or (S)hell? i [Retern]
Welcome to the...
Terminal type? [vt220] [Return]
〜中略〜 ~~~~~~~~
Proceed with install? [no] yes [Return]
〜中略〜 ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Available disks are: wd0.
Which one is the root disk? (or 'done') [wd0] [Return]
Do you want to use *all* of wd0 for OpenBSD? [no] [Return]
〜中略〜 ~~~~~~~~
Disk: wd0 geometry: 11905/16/63 [12000556 Sectors]
Offset: 0 Signature: 0xAA55
Starting Ending LBA Info:
#: id C H S - C H S [ start: size